detox your social media

There is an expression in French: “trop, c’est comme pas assez”. Roughly translated, it means “too much is like not enough” or more eloquently put “less is more”. In the nutrition world, this can mean trying to follow lots of complex information all at once (ie. gluten free, dairy free, low carb diet) when simple is sometimes best. Do you need to detox your social media?? Have you fallen prey to bad nutrition information overload?

This confusion happens all the time. Since the internet first crossed paths with curious, weight-loss driven people, dietitians have been hearing the same old story- although their clients know a lot about nutrition, they feel like they are drowning in this sea of information. Scouring the internet for hours to find all the tips and tricks needed to guarantee weight loss and eternal health happens too often. The problem with all this so-called “research” is that it usually is accompanied by anxiety, confusion, and feelings of desperation. The best solution to this information overload is to take a nutrition “research” hiatus.

Detox your social media

detox your social media

This used to mean stopping the weight loss chit chat, putting down the diet book or avoiding buying the latest fitness magazine. But now, since the birth of the internet, it should also include our Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook feeds.

Take a break from talking about food and weight loss with partners, friends, and coworkers. Say au-revoir to reading the endless list of how-tos and diet guides. Unlike, unfollow and unfriend social media accounts that are all about dieting/clean eating/burning calories all the time. This gives our brain a much-needed break to decompress. This timeout is important for getting back to basics and to better hear our own intuition about food and eating.

We have the answers to our own food questions. Understanding hunger and fullness cues, what kind of habits lead to feeling good and our triggers to eat when not hungry are some of the strategies that lead to good health. It takes some time and practice but well worth the effort.

Are you a life long dieter? 

Most people who are life-long dieters already have too much food and diet information packed in their brains so reading and talking about dieting only leads to more confusion. In fact, most of my clients who are burnt out from the constant bombardment of right and wrong eating are the people who need intuitive eating the most.

Talking with a non-diet expert (ie. registered dietitian) who specializes in mindful & intuitive eating can do wonders for the brain, well being and anxiety related to eating. This is because sessions with a dietitian go much deeper than just conversations surrounding food and nutrition. Talking about what influences us to eat when we are not hungry as well as what fuel cravings and anxiety around food choices are the most interesting and connecting conversations we can have with professionals.

To learn more about how intuitive and mindful eating can help you live a happier, healthier life, try these articles: 

Mindful Eating and You; An introduction to Mindful Eating; and More on Mindful Eating.

detox your social mediaLook inside yourself for the answers (YES! it is possible)

When everyone chimes in with their opinion on what we should eat or the latest miracle diet they heard about, it is stressful and does more harm than good. It often makes us second guess the best eating expert – ourselves. It is especially toxic if it is coming from our social media feed since we tend to check our feeds all day long.

Sometimes the best way friends, family, and the internet can help us make lifestyle changes is to leave these conversations to the expert- ourselves.

Some books to explore mindful and intuitive eating are: