My Blog
If you’d like to read about intuitive eating, diet culture, normalizing the downsides of dieting and down to earth wellness ramblings, you are in the right place.

3 ways to feel less tired (that have nothing to do with cutting out foods you enjoy)
Have you been told that the foods you eat could be the reason you feel fatigued? But should we blame our food for feeling tired and sluggish? Could feeling energized and increasing concentration really be as simple as cutting out some foods?
Here are 3 ways food and eating habits can increase your energy levels that have nothing to do with avoiding the foods you love.
Is It Really Self-Sabotage? Or is it just Self-Care?
Do you think you self sabotage your healthy eating efforts?
Are we merely being “silly” and lack willpower to get the body and health we have been told we want or need? I do not think so. Normal human needs protect us from the harm that dieting does.
Worrying About Perfect Food Choices is A Waste of Energy
Unfortunately, food shaming is alive and well (even during a pandemic). But is all the fuss really necessary? are we really more healthy by avoiding some foods while choking down others?
Instead of dieting, try a different approach to wellbeing this new year
With the new year comes an onslaught of advice on how to atone for our eating during the holidays and "get back on track". But what if I told you that the way we "get back on track" can actually create and perpetuate a cycle of overeating and undereating? The very...
Holiday Eating is Neither Naughty nor Nice
The holidays are around the corner and that usually means an onslaught of articles about healthy eating during the holidays. A recent article was published about how to prevent holiday weight gain. Since some of the advice was contradictory and fatphobic, we felt compelled to give a more weight inclusive side of the story and challenge the weight loss rhetoric that too often co-ops the holiday spirit.