Products for Everyone
If you are looking to learn more about intuitive eating, body image and disordered eating, you’ve come to the right place. Online, mini courses are now available to help you on you journey towards food and body peace.

Products for Health Practitioners
If you are a dietitian, fitness trainer, nurse, PT, kinesiologist, doctor, etc and are looking to learn more about taking a non-diet, weight inclusive or HAES (


This webinar focuses on how to help improve athletes (of all levels) improve performance without triggering the onset of an eating disorder or encouraging disordered behaviour. This is geared towards registered dietitians, fitness trainers, physiotherapists, coaches and anyone else who works with athletes (of any level).

This webinar includes an overview of the most pivotal studies in weight science history; why focusing on weight to improve health backfires; how and why weight loss recommendations have fallen short; a resource guide for learning more and self-study. This is geared towards registered dietitians, fitness trainers, physiotherapists, psychologists and anyone else who works with clients who desire weight change and improved health. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Whether you are practicing in private practice, in a clinic, a CLSC or a hospital- helping clients take a balanced approach to nutrition (versus a diet approach) is tough!
This webinar addresses how to transition to a weight-inclusive approach in nutrition counselling: Benefits & challenges of dropping “weight loss” as a selling point, how to send the right message online, difficult client conversations & how to respond when a client “really wants to lose weight” and h