“Diet talk” DARE

What if for just one day, we vowed to stop the “diet talk”. We stopped talking about how much we want or need to lose weight. Stopped mentioning how fat we felt or how guilty we feel about eating this or that. What if we avoided reading magazines that...

The KEY to eating less is…

PORTION SIZE.It may be one of the more difficult things to change about the way you eat (and is certainly one of the less glamorous), but it is one of the most efficient ways to eat fewer calories.Step one: understand just how big your current portion sizes are which...

Weight loss and the Macguffin

What does the Atkins diet and Skyfall have in common? or to be more broad, what does any action or spy movie have in common with diets? A Macguffin.These movies have very similar structures: you have a good guy, a bad guy and the reason why they have come face to...

Binge eating disorder demystified

We’ve all heard of “binging” or an eating disorder called “binge eating disorder”, but so many people don’t understand exactly what it is or how to identify it. This is especially true of the very people who suffer from it. Too...

8 reasons to not eat healthy in the new year

Because you love feeling sluggish and tired all the time. Napping every afternoon is normal, right?!The Facts: Eating plenty of fruits, vegetable, lean protein and whole grains every 4-5 hours helps to deliver constant energy to your brain and muscles.Because you hate...