For better or worse, food cravings are a part of life. Learning how to manage them is important for healthy living and helps us feel more in charge of our eating (rather than feeling like the food is controlling us!). Too many people feel hopeless when it comes to cravings- but these feelings of hopelessness CAN be squashed with some practice.
There are 5 simple steps you can carry out to better deal with cravings. These steps deal with delaying gratification, changing up your environment & putting distance between yourself and the food you crave.
The more you practice being able to hear a craving without succumbing to it, the more confidence you will have that managing cravings IS possible. That is why practicing what is called the 5 Ds (of food cravings) is so necessary. One crucial step in managing cravings is allowing yourself permission to eat the food you crave, without guilt, if you decide that is what is best. This decision to eat comes after trying to distract yourself, put some distance between you and the food and delaying gratification.
Food cravings are normal! Start managing them by practicing the 5Ds & feel more in charge of eating- tweet this!
For all the details about how to better manage cravings, check out this short video: